Dennis Goss-Souza,
Ph.D. Professor
Soil Microbial Ecology
Teaches Soil Microbiology, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, and Rhizosphere Biology for undergraduate and graduate programs. Acts as Editor for the Frontiers in Microbiology and Frontiers in Soil Science Journals. Reviews articles for 16 National and International peer-review Journals. Has experience in Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry. Develops research projects in Microbial Molecular Ecology, focusing on Metagenomics applied to Community Ecology. Nowadays, he is trying to depict ecological processes modulating microbial assemblage patterns in long-term forest-to-agriculture conversion, with an emphasis on the plant rhizosphere microbiome.
PhD in Sciences - Applied Ecology
University of São Paulo and University of California at Davis
MSc in Soil Science - Microbiology
Santa Catarina State University
Agronomical Engineer
Santa Catarina State University
Professor at Federal Institute of Paraná - IFPR