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Articles and more

Goss-Souza, Dennis; Mendes, Lucas William ; RODRIGUES, JORGE LUIZ MAZZA ; Tsai, Siu Mui . Ecological Processes Shaping Bulk Soil and Rhizosphere Microbiome Assembly in a Long-Term Amazon Forest-to-Agriculture Conversion. MICROBIAL ECOLOGY, v. 79, p. 1-13, 2019.

Goss-Souza, Dennis; Mendes, Lucas William ; BORGES, CLOVIS DANIEL ; RODRIGUES, JORGE L M ; Tsai, Siu Mui . Amazon forest-to-agriculture conversion alters rhizosphere microbiome composition while functions are kept. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, v. 95, p. 1-13, 2019.


Goss-Souza, Dennis; Mendes, Lucas William ; BORGES, CLOVIS DANIEL ; BARETTA, DILMAR ; Tsai, Siu Mui ; RODRIGUES, JORGE L. M. . Soil microbial community dynamics and assembly under long-term land use change. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, v. 93, p. 1-13, 2017.

Goss-Souza, Dennis; BORGES, C. D. ; MENDES, L. W. ; NAVARRETE, A. A. ; BARETTA, D. ; TSAI, S. M. Exploring diversity of soil microrganisms: a multidimensional approach. In: Luciano Verdade;Maria Carolina Lyra-Jorge, ; Carla Gheler-Costa. (Org.). Biodiversity of agricultural landscapes of southeastern Brazil. 1ed.Berlin: DeGruyter, 2016, v. 1, p. 66-86.

Goss-Souza, Dennis; Mendes, Lucas William ; Navarrete, Acácio Aparecido ; Tsai, Siu Mui . Microbial Assembly in Agroecosystems - From the Small Arise the Big. In: Yueh-Hsin-Lo; Juan A Blanco; Shovonlal Roy. (Org.). Biodiversity in Ecosystems - Linking Structure and Function. 1ed.Rijeka: InTech, 2015, v. 1, p. 169-183.

Goss-Souza, Dennis. Comparative analyses of microbial phylogenetic and functional processes following long-term land-use change. PhD Thesis: Piracica, 2015, 106 p. 

Goss-Souza, DennisBactérias diazotróficas em solos reconstruídos após a mineração de carvão na Bacia Carbonífera Catarinense. Master's Dissertation: Lages, SC, 2011, 109p.

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